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fábulas del pancracio y otros seres raros

NM Contemporáneo
Cuernavaca, Morelos
November 30 2018 to February 16, 2019

NM Contemporáneo presented Fábulas del Pancracio y Otros Seres Raros (The Stories of St. Pancras and Other Strange Beings) by Víctor Hugo Pérez in which he used various techniques such as painting, drawing, gouache, sculpture and interventions on posters to reflect the inner world of a subject over the course of daily life – affections, dreams, desires, fears, and driving forces. His amorphic expressionism appears as a melted, dream-like vision resulting from impassioned stylistic ardor or from an act of loving irreverence. Víctor Hugo breathes life into his creations by incorporating short phrases and comments, confessions of piercing irony and feverish descriptions of people and situations.

His sentimental confessions transform the images of men, women, and animals. The core of his pictorial discourse reveals the deepest ‘I’ of an artist who appropriates new images, seeking to create shapes and anthropometry that can express the experiences of people in their current realities.